Friday, October 30, 2009

Lemaricus Davidson Knoxville Horror Murder Trial: Penalty Phase Has Ended

At 6:24 last night, reader “D” wrote,


The penalty phase has ended. I have never seen so many liberal do-gooders in one place. What were they doing? They were asking a jury to spare the life of a vicious thug who tortured to death two innocent young people. A thug, I would add, whom all of them went out of their way to help, to no avail. Two of them testified at the parole hearing that released Davidson. Five months later the Knoxville Horror took place.

The closing arguments are in the morning, after which the jury will decide the penalty. By the way, the commenters at the Knoxville News-Sentinel blasted the judge for telling the jury that the DP was costlier. Many share our opinion that Baumgartner hopes to prevent a death sentence in this case, and has from the beginning.

On the good side, the prosecutors have cross-examined more forcefully this time than in the penalty phase of the Cobbins trial. They need to come on strong tomorrow and remind the jury what Davidson did to Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

After Judge Baumgartner’s outrageous behavior in the Cobbins trial two months ago, I said that he should be thrown off the bench and disbarred, but would more likely be lionized on the cocktail party circuit. Judge Mischief.


NiviusVir said...

You said: "They need to come on strong tomorrow and remind the jury what Davidson did to Channon and Christopher."

I agree; I hope they do too.

I will forever be shocked at how they treated those kids. I have felt sick to my stomach during my attempts at empathy for Channon and Christopher. They suffered greatly.

I know they were raised by people that love them, and people that they loved while here.

The desire that Davidson pay with his life is great within me. I will not find satisfaction with death for the same reason he found it. My desire, like most of us I believe, is truly fueled by a longing for genuine justice.

His actions lead to this. If given death, it should be considered, it was his violence that stuck the needle in his arm. His own wicked actions came back to haunt him.

Anonymous said...

I must first apologise for my englins because i am a greek and is obviously that I am not a native speaker .
I would prefer to know that this guy would spent the rest of his life in a dark hole with not enough to live but with too much to die .